in search of life 24 frames per second

About Me

I was born and brought up in Calcutta, India. I am an avid movie-goer since my childhood. The habit has changed with the passing of the years. Now I’m more to find life in terms of 24 frames per second.

Bitten by the film-bug, I left my post-graduate studies in commerce and completed a Film Appreciation course in Chitrabani, Calcutta under stewardship of  Philip Strick of Sight & Sound,UK. Later I was trained in film Direction, Screenwriting & Videography from Argus Videomatics, Calcutta, wherein I made several Ad films and teasers.  Subsequently I made  several documentary films under Dhurjati Prasad Productions, Kolkata as Asstt. Director. Co-scripted a feature film titled “Astocharan Sholo Hantu”. Project stalled for director’s untimely death. Started production of documentary on human rights in India. Project stalled for fund.

Scripted and Directed “Ekjon Jhumur” (Jhumur, the girl), 2002, a short feature film on women issues for Kolkata Doordarshan. Shown in two episodes in prime time channel.

Scripted and Directed “Truth Lies Beneath”, 2005, Shown in different film festivals.

Co-scripted and Co-directed  “The Days After..”, 2005, a film survey on capital punishment.

Scripted and directed "Chronicle of a death", 2009, a short film on death of a pond caused by urban development.

Author of  Adhikarer Katha, a human rights primer for the teenagers.

Didi tui tren dekhechhis, ( Have you seen the train, sister), a collection of articles on film.

A graphic designer and Web Developer. Recipient of  “Golden Web Award” from Internatinal Associaton for Webmasters and Designers for 2002-03 and Artsy Bronze Award from


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 A film is true 24 frames per second - Jean-Luc Godard


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"Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls."
-Ingmar Bergman

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